A STIRLING nursery has underlined its commitment to the environment by achieving an award.

Allan's Nursery received a Green Flag Award from environmental charity Keep Scotland Beautiful in recognition of its efforts.

The nursery's Eco Committee has been working to create a mindful space for children, encourage healthy eating and reduce litter in the community.

Kim McLaren, principal early childhood educator at the nursery, said: “We are delighted to have achieved our Green Flag Award.

“The children and staff have been working extremely hard over the past year to achieve this through their Eco Committee and we look forward to growing this project to help us achieve our sustainability aims.”

In the past year, the nursery received funding to support the creation of a mindful space which includes a greenhouse, raised beds and water butts.

Parents and carers were invited to help prepare the ground for our new purchases and the children enjoyed planting a range of fruits and vegetables which we harvested in summer to early autumn.

Funding was also secured to supply families with home growing kits that the Eco Committee created and distributed to families.

To improve recycling, the Eco Committee examined bins within nursery and their usage, carrying out spot checks to ensure recycling is being maximised.