Stirling News - Memorials

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Notice Type:
In Memoriam

Albert Kennedy

KENNEDY Albert In loving memory of Albert, died 5th July 2023. A silent thought, a silent tear,…
Published on 03/07/2024
In Memoriam

Freddie Stone

STONE Freddie What would we give if we could say, Hello brother in the same old way, To hear your…
Published on 03/07/2024
In Memoriam

Annie Watson

WATSON Annie Died 6/7/2019. 5 years gone, Remembered every day with love, Rose and Family.
Published on 03/07/2024
In Memoriam

Steven McCann

McCANN Steven In loving memory of Steven, a dear son and brother. Loved and remembered every day,…
Published on 26/06/2024
In Memoriam

Jean Pirie

PIRIE Jean In loving memory of Jean, a much loved mum and gran, who died 30th June 2019. Sadly…
Published on 26/06/2024
In Memoriam

Elizabeth Manzie

MANZIE Elizabeth (Liz) In loving memory of Liz, who passed away on the 20th of June 2023, a much…
Published on 19/06/2024
In Memoriam

Gloria Whyte

WHYTE Gloria Remembering Gloria, who passed away on 19th June 2018. A loving sister, sorely…
Published on 19/06/2024
In Memoriam

Mary Johnstone

JOHNSTONE Mary Treasured memories of our much loved mum Mary, who died on 21st June 2012. Forever…
Published on 19/06/2024
In Memoriam

Margaret Ashbridge

ASHBRIDGE Margaret In loving memory of our dear mum Margaret Ashbridge, who passed away on the 4th…
Published on 12/06/2024
In Memoriam

Anne Smith

SMITH Anne Lilian In loving memory of my beloved partner Anne, who passed away on 11th June 2017.…
Published on 12/06/2024
In Memoriam

Anne Smith

SMITH Anne In loving memory of our dear, precious Anne, who died June 11th, 2017. So loved, So…
Published on 12/06/2024
In Memoriam

John Kirkham

KIRKHAM John who died 12th June 1996. Twenty eight years ago we had to part, With a son we loved…
Published on 12/06/2024