ACROSS Stirling, Resource Efficient Scotland has offered to help every small to medium-sized enterprise (SMEs) bring down costs by reducing their energy, water and raw materials usage.

The Scottish Government programme delivered by Zero Waste Scotland has already helped over 2177 organisations in the city and the surrounding area.

Resource Efficient Scotland wants to ensure that other businesses in the area don’t miss out on this free service – which has already saved almost £40m for Scottish organisations since it was set up in 2013.

Local advisor Teresa Llusa said: "There has never been a better time for SMEs in Stirling to take advantage of this free money-saving service, which on average shows businesses how they can reduce energy bills by a quarter.

"Just a quick call to one of our expert advisors is all that’s required to kick-start the process. I would encourage anyone looking to make savings across their business to join the many others that have already got in contact with us.”

Each year more than 34,000 individuals from a range of organisations access the support programme and downloadable resources available from Resource Efficient Scotland.

To get a free consultation and to find out how to reduce your energy bill, call Resource Efficient Scotland’s expert advisors on 0808 808 2268.